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Yes, last November 2017 we got to save more than $350 on a mini vacation at a Five star hotel. We used the rewards to get a  We are stay at-Home parents. We do a lot of things to generate income from home. Wake up early to prepare lunch for my daughter, check my website  ,  mails and help my daughter get up. Most of our daily grind is just doing things at home. When my daughter goes to school, then my day starts at opening my Facebook to check what’s new for today. Then crochet and prepare some food for our lunch. But I have a lot of time listening to YouTube music while crocheting and playing MyVegas Slots. Long ago, I already played games on Facebook like Farmville, Mafia Wars, Candy Crush Saga and others. But lately, I only play MyVegas Slots. A year ago when my husband introduced that game to me. I don’t know how the slots machine works but the winnings will keep you playing. I won 96,000,000 chips :)  When you
Recent posts

Revolving Piano Duet: 1 Piano, 4 Pianist, and 8 Hymnals Songs

I always try to encourage Rheema to learn piano. Her grandmother is a pianist. When we visit her, sometimes she plays the piano. It does not seem like she is interested in playing the piano or learning. When I saw this trending in Facebook, I can't wait to share their video. Within 2 days of posting they gathered 3M viewers already.

Rheema's art @4 yo

What a difference a mood makes. My 4 year old daughter was so excited to color the fruits in her devotional booklet when we got home from church, she couldn't wait. We both knew she was very tired since we had been out all day and the day before. "This post supposedly posted 5 years ago, Rheema is 9 years old now :) How time flies."

How to delete a Facebook Fan Page

When I heard that one way of promoting your website is through facebook fan page, I immediately made one for me. Actually I don't have my own website yet but I have a free crochet pattern  blog in blogspot dot com. As we know it, when you rush things, we sometimes forget to think about what we are doing and it becomes overwhelming. Next thing I knew, I had some many FB fan pages. Now I want to share with everyone the steps I took to clean up my FB fan pages. I just wanted to help you on how you can delete your facebook fan page with pictures instructions. 1. Log in to your account. 

Rheema's New Bike (early b-day gift from tito Serge)

Her happy face, upon discovering an early birthday gift from her Tito Serge.

Candy Maracas

This is the first project of my daughter in her day care. A musical instrument out of recyclable materials.

Favorite Clothes; Dress

My daughter loves to wear dresses, She likes to pretend she is a princess while she watches the Barbie series on DVD, acting out the scenes she watches all throughout the movie. Today she did not want to go to school because she said she was tired. When we told her that she was going to wear a dress to school today,she all of a sudden got up and was feeling better.